1970 Plymouth Roadrunner (Tennessee Screwjob) PT 3

 So after a few days, thinking of how I wanted to approach this,I stopped by Ace Hardware and picked up a can of Sunlight Yellow paint & primer. I did one more round of wet sanding with 800 grit paper and dried it off and let it set.

Was a bit nervous, but I put the body in the makeshift booth and sprayed the bottom edges first, followed by the front and rear. After a few hours, I went back and spray a light coat over the body. Followed this up with a few days drying time between coats.

Finally this weekend, I took the 1000 grit paper and wet sanding it down after the 3 coats had dried. Followed that up with the 12,000 grit wet sanding. It actually turned out better than I thought.

Foiled the windows and added the body decals today. Still some more work to do before the body is done. Going to paint the internal roof and pillars flat black to match the interior. Finished the underside of the hood as well. Had to sand and cut out the rear body to fit the rear panel. 

Will do one more 12,000 grit wet sand on some odd looking spots and to remove some light finger printing from squeezing too hard while foiling. So far, not bad.

Mocked up to see what it will look like

Another mock up view

Oil paint pen instead of foil